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coffee subscription
Subscribe to your favourite HAVEN Coffee and save!
Choose a coffee plan that works the best for you
Have your coffee delivered to your house starting from £9.10
Pause or cancel at any time
Choose your pricing plan
Honduran HAVEN
10.50£Every monthFair-trade, ethically sourced single origin HonduranÂ- 1 Honduran HAVEN
Sumatran HAVEN
10.50£Every monthFair-trade, ethically sourced single origin SumatranÂ- 1 Sumatran HAVEN
Bundled HAVEN
18£Every monthHave taste of both our blends everydayÂ- 1 Honduran HAVEN
- 1 Sumatran HAVEN
Honduran HAVEN X 2
18£Every monthWant more - why not have 2 Honduran every monthÂ- 2 Honduran HAVEN
Sumatran HAVEN X 2
18£Every monthWant more - why not have 2 Sumatran every monthÂ- 2 Sumatran HAVEN
Honduran HAVEN X 3
30£Every monthFor serious coffee drinkersÂ- 3 Honduran HAVEN
Sumatran HAVEN X 3
30£Every monthFor serious coffee drinkersÂ- 3 Sumatran HAVEN
Mix Bundled plan 1
30£Every monthHaven your say with this mixed bundled planÂ- 2 Honduran HAVEN
- 1 Sumatran HAVEN
Mix Bundled plan 2
30£Every monthHaven your say with this mixed bundled planÂ- 2 Sumatran HAVEN
- 1 Honduran HAVEN
32£Every monthOur 1-kilo bag of Beans is a perfect fit for those who take their coffee seriouslyÂBeans HAVEN x 2
60£Every monthWant more - why not have 2kilo Beans every monthÂ
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